check out these men in film... paul newman is a personal favorite :)
don't know him? he's on all the lemonade cartoons haha

"the marvels of daily life are so exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street."
- Robert Doisneau

cordate adj KAWR-deyt

def: 1. heart-shaped
2. (of leaves) heart-shaped, with the attachment at the notched end

ex: Despite their strong and interlinked root structure, the actual flowers were of a lowly order, though, canted towards the sun, they attracted the cordate butterflies. -- Brian Wilson Aldiss, Hothouse
Without any wind blowing, the sheer weight of a raindrop, shining in parasitic luxury on a cordate leaf, caused its tip to dip, and what looked like a globule of quicksilver performed a sudden glissando down the center vein, and then, having shed its bright load, the relieved leaf unbent.
-- Vladimir Nabakov, Speak, Memory
Related to core, cordate comes from the Latin word for heart, cor, and the suffix -ate which forms an adjective from a noun.

the wonderful things 

She was in her eighties when I met her
long grey hair in a bun
sprigs of lavender tucked behind each ear
she said it was good for her memory
made her remember
the sweet moments.
She made pots of tea for us children
chipped little cups of boiled mint and honey
read the leaves at the bottom of each one
with great seriousness
divining the adventures we would go on
love stories and elephant rides.
She never worked
waited for her husband every evening
he was the night-shift bookkeeper
he rode his bicycle home
in a suit and tie
the children long since fed and tucked in bed
she fed him dinner
and sat across from him
with her knitting
while he ate
and asked about his day
the same way every time
tell me the wonderful things.
Many years later
after they had both died
I learned they were hidden
two young Jews
the delicacy of new love
grew in the cracks of the savagery.
She made him promise her
if the world was returned to kindness
that he would save every tendril
of joy from every stolen day
and bring it home for her.
She seemed so magical to me
I never knew
how close the darkness
danced and how fervently
she worked
to be reminded
of light.

1. thank you online browsing.
2. the french sure do have spirit.
3. robert doisneau is a street photographer I found after much blissfully unaware browsing. his litter of 1940s/1950's street photos are amazing.

xo, anna


Louise said...

Damn, this is wonderful! All these pictures are brilliant! What a brilliant photographer!

Sydney said...

these photographs are beyond marvelous

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